How to Rock your Legacy Greens Produce Box
August 8 2017

August 8 2017
We have been offering our produce boxes for over a year now, and have learned lots from our customers on how they rock their produce box subscriptions:
- Get excited…….. Those really cool heirloom tomatoes in your box – they were picked this morning – and we’re all nerding out. Welcome to a community of produce nerds.
- Be open to learning something new! You may have never tried kohlrabi before – and 2 weeks later you are the talk of a dinner party because you brought the hit dish (a kohlrabi, kale, apple and cranberry slaw). All because you ventured out – and took a weird vegetable and made it into something delicious.
- Up your Instagram game – we’ve spent about a thousand hours photographing vegetables for instagram, and it never gets old. So many colours, angles, silhouettes, composition – an endless photography experiment.
- Bring a re-usable bag on your pick up day. If you transfer the contents of your box into a reusable bag, and then leave the box at the store, we can re-use it next week. No bag, no problem. Our produce boxes make great organizers in your home, and if you have a cat, your cat will absolutely love your box. Then take a picture of your cat in your Legacy Greens box, and put it on Instagram. (This has been done twice already).
- Get your calendar out and make your box work for your schedule. We have flexibility and want to accommodate; however, we need to know ahead of time. So check in with us, let us know when you are away so you can double-up the week you return…………or switch between Wednesday and Friday. We are happy to accommodate these requests – just let us know the week before so we can plan our orders accordingly.
- Use your coupons! We promote other local food products in our store, by offering our box customers some sweet incentives. From 20% off coffee beans to $1 off Mountain Oak Cheese – we are working hard to expose you to some awesome local food companies. So use those coupons and try something new!
- When in doubt about what to do with a vegetable.......Sauté in butter or olive oil then add salt. Sometimes simple ends up being the most remarkable. In this world of excessive options/flavours – we could all use a little more simplicity.
- Share a recipe with us. We want to know what you did with the items in your box and we’d love to share them with our other customers. So if your recipe turned out magically – please let us know!
Our next produce box subscription is the Harvest Box. Sign up at:
Starts August 23 and August 25. $168 for 8 weeks.