Produce Storage Tips

Produce Storage Tips
As we move on from single use plastic bags, we want to ensure that the produce we provide you with not only stays fresh on our shelves, but on yours atin your home as well. We would like to share some tips for produce storage that will maintain freshness and longevity of your fruits and vegetables.
Store in Water
Carrots and Celery
- These are best kept submerged in water in a container in your fridge
- You can store them in the same container for more efficient storage
- Replace the water once a week
- Extra step: cut them up so they are ready to eat!

- Trim the ends and place in a glass or jar filled with a small amount of water
- Store at room temperature
Green Onions
- Cut off the end of the bulb, leaving roots intact
- Place in a jar with the roots facing down and place the jar in a windowsill
- Ensure the roots are always submerged in water
- Change water once a week
Store in Cool, Dark Place
Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes
- Store in a box in your pantry or cupboard
- Keep them well ventilated
Onions & Garlic
- Also store in a box in your pantry or cupboard
- Well ventilated
Store Open on Your Countertop
- To maintain freshness and flavour, keep on your countertop at room temperature
- To ripen faster, put in a paper bag with an apple
Store in the Crisper
- Uncut peppers do well in a crisper
- Partially cut peppers can keep in an air-tight container in the fridge with stems and seeds intact
- Wrap in a damp tea towel
Eggplant, Cucumber, Zucchini
- These do not like moisture, so just place as is in the crisper
- Store in the crisper and use a beeswax wrap on any edges if storing a half cabbage
- Store in a cloth produce bag
- They won't do well in an air tight plastic container. If you find they are drying out in your cloth produce bag, dampen the bag just a bit, and it will keep them from getting too dry.
What About Those Herbs?
- In general, herbs like to be dry. Fresh herbs can be stored in a container in your fridge, layered on top of a tea towel, which will absorb extra moisture.
- Basil is tricky. It stores really well in a plastic bag at room temperature (we are hoping to move to compostable bags eventually). Alternatively, basil can be stored in the fridge, submerged completely in water (2-3 days).
Extra Tips:
If your kale begins to wilt, cut off the ends and place in a glass or jar filled with a small amount of water and place it in the fridge, it will perk right up!
Store half of a lemon, apple, or avocado (with pit) face down on a beeswax wrap and it will keep from browning longer than a container or plastic wrap.
When your bananas are beyond your preferred liking, peel them, break them in half and store in an air-tight bag or a container in the freezer. These are perfect for smoothies!
Wash your produce right before using them as many fruits and veggies do not like to be wet and will spoil quickly.
Thanks for reading! If you have any tips or tricks, tag us on social media so we can spread the word :)