Sign up for the Fall Box!

It may feel like summer now, but Fall is coming, and we want you to join our Fall Box that starts on Wednesday, September 26th! Curious about our produce box subscriptions? Here's some quick FAQs
1) What's in the box?
Each box contains 6-8 seasonl items sourced locally in Ontario always. We buy direct from farmers, and also from the Elmira Produce Auction. An example box would be:
- 1 Honeynut squash
- 1/2 lb of brussel sprouts
- 1 pint of Elmira's Own grape tomatoes
- 2 cooking onions
- 2 lb sweet potatoes
- 1.5 lb Honeycrip apples
- Garlic
- Parsley
2) What else is in the box?
We're glad you asked!
- List of all your items and where we sourced them from
- A recipe that includes a couple of items in your box
- A coupon for savings in our store
3) How much is a subscription?
$144 for 6 weeks (which works out to $24 per week)
4) What if I'm away one week?
Just let us know, and you can either double up the week before or after, or give your box to a friend!
5) What type of packaging is used? I'm trying to veer toward a more zero-waste lifestyle.
Awesome question!
- The box is made of cardboard, and if you bring your own reusable bag to transfer your veggies to, we can re-use the box if it doesn't leave our store. But if you want to take your box home, that's no problem! It makes a great organizing container, or simply recycle in your weekly recycling.
- We try to use as little packaging as possible. Occasionally, we use plastic for things like microgreens or leafy greens, that would otherwise dry out.
6) When do I pick up my box?
- Wednesdays between 2pm and 7pm at our store (18 Ontario Street North), September 26th - October 31st
7) How do I sign up?
- Sign up online at: before Sept 21
- Sign up in-store before Sept 21
Any other questions, shoot us an email at or reach out to us on instagram. Thanks!